Balancing Time with Loved Ones and Self-Reflection

Who do you spend the most time with?

Time with Loved Ones

When reflecting on who I spend most of my time with, the answer isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. Outside of my family, the people I cherish most are my super close friends. These are the individuals who truly understand me, build me up, and encourage me to be the best version of myself. Their presence in my life is invaluable, and our time together is filled with meaningful conversations and memorable experiences.

‘me’ time

However, I also deeply value my alone time. There are moments when I crave solitude to recharge and reflect. Being alone allows me to reconnect with my inner self, pursue personal interests, and gain clarity on various aspects of life. It’s a balance between cherishing the company of my closest friends and nurturing my own well-being through solitude.

Family Fun time

By spending time with both my supportive friends and myself, I maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. This balance is essential for my personal growth and happiness.

6 responses to “Balancing Time with Loved Ones and Self-Reflection”

  1. Excellent and fantastic blog post Leakey. Firstly, I would say that spending time with family is a requisite and a must because these are your blood people.
    Also, I as well would answer the same way that you do. Alone time is also necessary. Plus, I love the books and reading one enhances my knowledge and reading abilities✨📙📙🙌💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sure , nobody is an island. Family, friends who become family and ourselves matter. They give us love and life to the fullest.❤️


  2. Yes spending time with friends and myself is very good 😊 now my Summer vacation is going on so I am spending time with my family and finishing my next novel 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s indeed a good way of reconnecting. Speaking of summer, may you and yours have a better one 😊. Also I look forward to reading and reviewing that novel once it’s done😊😁🫂.

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