Timeless Treasures: How Core Values and My Infinix S5 Mobile Shape My Daily Life

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

When asked about the oldest things I own and still use daily, my mind immediately gravitates towards two significant items: the intangible values instilled in me by my parents, teachers, and church, and my trusty Infinix S5 mobile phone, which has been a reliable companion for the past five years.

The Timeless Values from My Upbringing

The oldest and perhaps most valuable thing I own and use every day are the values and kindness instilled in me during my formative years. These values include integrity, empathy, respect, and kindness. They were ingrained in me by my parents, teachers, and the church, who played crucial roles in shaping my character.

  • Integrity: My parents always emphasized the importance of honesty and strong moral principles. This value has guided me in making ethical decisions and maintaining trust in my personal and professional relationships.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others was a lesson taught early on. This has helped me build deep connections with people and foster a sense of community.
  • Respect: Respecting others, regardless of their background or opinions, was a fundamental value imparted to me. This has enabled me to navigate diverse environments with grace and consideration.
  • Kindness: Small acts of kindness, as emphasized by my teachers and the church, have a profound impact. This value drives me to contribute positively to the lives of those around me every day.

I am deeply grateful to my parents, teachers, and the church for imparting these timeless values. They are not just memories; they are active, guiding principles that influence my actions and interactions daily, making them the oldest and most enduring possessions I have.

The Importance of Imparting Good Values to Future Generations

In today’s fast-paced world, it is crucial to impart good values to future generations. These values act as a moral compass, guiding young people through life’s challenges and helping them build strong, positive relationships. By instilling integrity, empathy, respect, and kindness, we equip the next generation with the tools they need to succeed and contribute positively to society.

Parents, educators, and community leaders play a vital role in this process. By modeling and teaching these values, we can inspire young people to adopt them as their own, ensuring a brighter and more compassionate future for all.

My Trusty Infinix S5 Mobile

Infinix S5 – Full phone specifications – GSMArena.com

The second oldest item I own and still use daily is my Infinix S5 mobile phone. For the past five years, this device has been more than just a phone; it’s been an indispensable tool for communication, productivity, and entertainment.

  • Durability: Despite the advancements in technology and the influx of newer models, my Infinix S5 has stood the test of time, continuing to perform efficiently.
  • Functionality: The phone’s features still cater to my needs, from managing my daily tasks and schedules to staying connected with friends and family.
  • Sentimental Value: This phone has been with me through countless memories, capturing moments and facilitating connections that are invaluable.

My Infinix S5 is a testament to the longevity and quality of well-made technology. Even after five years, it remains a reliable part of my daily life, proving that sometimes, the older possessions are the most cherished and dependable.


In conclusion, the oldest things I own and use daily are deeply intertwined with my identity and daily routine. The values of kindness, integrity, empathy, and respect, instilled in me by my parents, teachers, and church, are timeless treasures that guide my every action. Meanwhile, my Infinix S5 mobile phone, a five-year-old technological marvel, continues to serve me faithfully. These possessions, both tangible and intangible, highlight the blend of personal growth and reliable technology in my life.

By passing down good values, we ensure that future generations have the foundation they need to navigate life’s complexities with wisdom and compassion. This, combined with the reliable tools they choose to carry, will help shape a better, more connected world.

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